Tahir Buyukbasaran:
Hello I got the certificate at last . Many thaks to @Mumshad Mannambeth and his team. Only The Udemy Course Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests is enough for certification exam. During the exam http://kubernetes.io/docs|kubernetes.io/docs page is open this is good for do not need memorize everything you can search and find what required. On the other hand I want to inform that TAB autocomplation was not working. My another advice is first solve the easy tasks. Later return back to solve others by doing this way youl will gain more time and have more energy
Raamkanna Saranathan:
Congratulations! and thanks for the tips.
Daz Mac:
The first task i did when sitting the exam
source <(kubectl completion bash)
this is also listed at the top of the http://kubernetes.io|kubernetes.io cheatsheet.
Tahir Buyukbasaran:
Life saving info