Hello good people, has anyone had an issue where CPU workload is not distributed . . .

Keegan Bantom:
Hello good people, has anyone had an issue where CPU workload is not distributed across pod replicas?

NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes)
app-576fd998fc-4wxp6 4m 698Mi
app-576fd998fc-6s7sc 4m 685Mi
app-576fd998fc-9qfx4 3m 685Mi
app-576fd998fc-fxl5w 3m 715Mi
app-576fd998fc-xmzsd 951m 1077M

Vishalendu Pandey:
If this is Kubernetes, check your service. Ensure its given clusterIP and not LoadBalancer configuration (if you are not using a proper load balancer). If you dont want to do that check out the iptable/IPVS proxy mode configuration for your kube-proxy. Check out the following page: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/_print/

It would also be good if you can check the load distribution across pods. Like from Micrometer metrics (or whatever metrics you have), if you can count requests going to each pod, that might help you in understanding if this is a load balancing problem or something elseā€¦