Hello All, I was going through the Demo-WebApplication under learn-ansible-adva . . .

somnath Palbag:
Hello All,

I was going through the Demo-WebApplication under learn-ansible-advanced. I have followed all the steps mentioned for UBUNTU OS. Instead of python, I have done python3.
Last step output is FLASK_APP=app.py flask run --host=

But the page is not with the URL| or|

I am new to this FLASK framework. Not sure whether I have done anything wrong with app setup por something else. How to Debug. Unless this is done, I cannot proceed to next chapters. Thanks in advance. Please give me some clue how to debug.

Mohamed Ayman:
Hello @somnath Palbag
can you tell me about your setup, please?
Are you able to run this on another shell? curl <> when the app running

somnath Palbag:
Yes, in another shell, I am getting expected Welcome message

somnath Palbag:
Tested just now @Mohamed Ayman . Nothing coming on browser with the URL

somnath Palbag:

Mohamed Ayman:
Hello @somnath Palbag
Please try to disable the firewall using the below command and try again
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
But please try again using the ip of the vm itself, get it from this command ip a
and then use this url http://&lt;ip-of-vm&gt;:5000