Heartfelt thanks to @Mumshad Mannambeth for his excellent course which yield my .

Ramkumar Nagaraj:
Heartfelt thanks to @Mumshad Mannambeth for his excellent course which yield my CKA badge. scored 92 in second attempt. Failed in first attempt as i wasted most of the time in reviewing lab environment browser settings. This time prepared well and practised a lot. solved following stuffs multiple times to keep the pace:
• CKA - with practise tests - all practise labs
• lightning lab
• mock exams
• killer.sh simulator (first time scored 90/125, next time scored 121/125)
with this enough rigorous practise able to finish all 17 questions of CKA real exam in 1:15hours with left over 3 doubtful questions. good that with enough thoughts cracked those 3 doubtful questions too in remaining 30minutes. also spent time of 15minutes to review all the solved questions. Roaring loudly to say i cracked it with all you guys support.
Thanks @Awantika Nigam for the office hours schedule conducted last week. Thanks @Shwetha Shenoy V for your valuable inputs related to the exam preparation and study tips.
dont want to give advise, but wish to share - Yes its tough but anything can be achieved with dedication, whole-hearted learning, Practise, Practise, Practise ……… - Never ever give up.
Thought of speaking or commenting post winning moment. So considering this time as mine to share my gratitude, happiness.
Kudos to kodekloud team @Trung Tran (especially your blog post in cracking CKA/CKAD exams) in assisting me to clarify doubts in this channel. This is very much supportive. Guys you keep rocking.

Note: issue which i faced at last minute is - in firefox browser ‘Launch Exam’ tab was not responsive. So immediately i accessed through incognito-mode in chrome and it went smooth. So upcoming exam attendees ensure you are using google-chrome incognito mode to avoid such last minute hassle. In feedback session of exam, mentioned this same.

Earned KCNA and CKA. CKAD and CKS - i am coming.

Wai Yan Pyae Sone:
Congratulations :tada: @Ramkumar Nagaraj

Trung Tran:
Congrats @Ramkumar Nagaraj, I’m glad my posts helped :100:

Congrats @Ramkumar Nagaraj and thanks for sharing your experience.