Having issues accessing GCP & Azure clouds playground

This is ther error from gcp cloud playground: Troubleshooting info:
Principal: [email protected]
Resource: kkgcporg01-042
Troubleshooting URL: console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/troubleshooter;permissions=resourcemanager.projects.get;[email protected];resources=%2F%2Fcloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com%2Fprojects%2Fkkgcporg01-042/result

Missing permissions:

Also from azure cloud:

i can access the vms due to restrictions

You login with the details that KodeKloud provide not your own login.

Of course. thats exactly what i did. yet i saw the issues. unless you can share a video for me to follow

The screenshot above shows you logged into Azure as enwaeze@… - that is wrong.

Go to Azure Sandbox Playground | KodeKloud
Then click on Launch Now
Then click on Start Lab
You should then get a page like this:

Use that URL, Username and Password that is provided.

@ejiakanwaeze You should not share your email address in public forums unless you want to attract spam. Please edit it out of your original post.