Have a doubt on backup. Suppose we are at base node and we are being asked to ta . . .

Akash Saha:
Have a doubt on backup. Suppose we are at base node and we are being asked to take backup. Which ip needs to be configured for endpoint. Like or the master nodes ip with port as 2379. However suppose the admin is asked to use Then what needs to be done?

Alistair Mackay:
Hi @Akash Saha

The --endpoint argument tells etcdctl where to find the etcd server from which it will extract the backup. The default value for this (if the argument is not given) is <>

So if the etcd server is running on the node where you run etcdctl, it is not necessary to provide --endpoint

If you are on some machine other than the one where etcd server is running, then you must use the argument, providing the ip or host name of the machine where etcd is running.

Akash Saha:
got it…Thanks a lot @Alistair Mackay