Happy to share that I am able to clear the CKA exam in my second attempt scoring . . .

Jibran Gill:
Happy to share that I am able to clear the CKA exam in my second attempt scoring a 86.

Wai Yan Pyae Sone:

Neeraj Vasudeva:
Please share your learnings or tips and tricks !


Santosh Kaluskar:
Congrats :tada:

Jibran Gill:
I used K8s in action by Marko Luksa but mostly Kodekloud course which is awesome and Killerkoda exam simulator. In my opinon orignal exam is easier than the exam simulator. Also this was my second attempt. During my first attempt I wasted a lot of time in setting up cluster the hardway. I think the focus should be on Kubeadm and imperative way to setup objects as much as possible.

Arko Roy:
Hi @Jibran Gill, Congratulations on your certificate!! I attempted CKA but system was lagging very much for me, not able to edit the objects properly and it consumed much of my time. Also switching between terminal and k8s document was taking time too. Can you suggest what are the necessity steps to take here as my internet speed was pretty good still the terminal lagged very much.