Guidance for the Preparation for CKA exam


I am preparing for CKA exam and just completed “Kubernetes for Beginners course” but there is a flow chat for CKA where first it starts with “Linux for beginners course” then “Dockers for beginners course” then “Kubernetes for Beginners course” and the final one is “Certified Kubernetes Administrator course” . I am totally new the Kubernetes so need guidance that do I need to complete the “Linux for beginners course” and “Dockers for beginners course” as well or I can directly continue with the “Certified Kubernetes Administrator course”.


You don’t have to do the pre-requisites, but I think you’ll get more out of the CKA course if you have a certain comfort level with docker, and know basic Linux commands. The course does assume that you have this background, so there will be things that won’t be explained much in the CKA course. If you get to parts of the course that seem to require more background than you currently have, it’s OK to pause the CKA course and work on those items until those parts of the CKA course become more clear. You don’t necessarily have to take the courses we offer for this, since there are tutorials on the web that will help you with most of these things. Just assume that you’ll need in certain places to learn things that are not actually in the CKA course in order to complete the CKA course.

Thanks a lot Rob. I will go through with the Linux and Dockers beginners course first then after that will proceed with main “Certified Kubernetes Administrator course”.