Grep -ic '^SECTION' testfile > /home/bob/count_lines Task 16 of RHCSA course

Hello guys anyone has encounter issues wit this task?

How many lines in /home/bob/testfile file begin with string Section , regardless of case.
Save the count in /home/bob/count_lines file.

either typing or pasting the code from the solution does not work.

grep -ic ‘^Section’ testfile > /home/bob/count_lines

any suggestions on how to get it right?


Task 16 of which lab? There are many labs in RHCSA.
Please always post a link to a lab you have a question about.

Thanks for your prompt response [Alistair_KodeKloud]

I believe this is the link to the lab.

and the task number is 16/18

The given solution does work. Now having gone quickly through the questions to reach #16, I can’t remember if any previous question did anything with testfile. If there was such a question and you did that one incorrectly, then it would affect the outcome of this question.

The line count should be 47.

All these labs are cumulative, meaning that some later questions depend of the correct result of earlier questions so you must not skip any or get any wrong.