🎉 Great news! I successfully passed the CKA exam on November 14th. It’s bee . . .

:tada: Great news! I successfully passed the CKA exam on November 14th. It’s been a few days, and I wanted to share my journey and strategy to help anyone preparing for the exam. Here’s a step-by-step plan that can guide you towards success:

1️. Basic Understanding of Docker:
If you already have a basic grasp of Docker, you’re off to a strong start. Kubernetes is built on containerization principles, so having a solid Docker foundation is beneficial. you can access here:

2️. Kubernetes Basics:
Start your journey with the “Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners” hands-on course available at KodeKloud. You can access it here:

3️. CKA Exam Prep Course:
Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, enroll in the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam preparation course also provided by KodeKloud. You can find it here:
https://kodekloud.com/courses/certified-kubernetes-administrator-cka. It might also be available on Udemy, so check there as well.

4️. CKA Mock Exams:
After completing the CKA exam prep course, focus on practicing extensively with the CKA mock exams series offered by KodeKloud. Aim to achieve a minimum score of 85% to 90% to boost your confidence. You can access the mock exams here: CKA Mock Exams.

5️. Kubernetes Official Documentation:
Familiarize yourself with the official Kubernetes documentation and learn how to navigate it quickly. During the exam, you’ll have access to specific sections of the Kubernetes website, so efficient information retrieval is crucial.

6️. CKA Exam Simulators:
Practice with CKA exam simulators, especially those available on the killer.sh website. When you book the exam, you’ll receive two free practice tests from killer.sh. These practice tests are known to be slightly tougher than the actual exam but will prepare you well. Access the CKA Practice Tests on Killer.sh here:

7. Familiarize Yourself with Vim Editor:
Becoming familiar with the Vim editor and learning how to navigate within it can significantly benefit you during the exam. You don’t need to become an expert, but acquiring the basics and gaining proficiency in quick navigation will pay off.

8. Utilize Aliases and Environment Variables to Enhance Efficiency:
Consider using aliases and environment variables to streamline your tasks during the exam, saving you valuable time. Below are some of my favorite aliases and environment variables. Feel free to customize the alias names and environment variable names to your preference. Add them to your .bashrc or .bash_profile file and source it:

   # Kubernetes Aliases
   alias k='kubectl'
   alias kgp='kubectl get pods'
   alias kgs='kubectl get service'
   alias kd='kubectl delete'
   alias kcf='kubectl create -f'
   alias kaf='kubectl apply -f'
   alias kcc='kubectl config current-context'
   alias kgpa='kubectl get pods --all-namespaces'

   # Environment Variables
   export name=' --field-selector involvedObject.name'
   export f=' --force --grace-period=0'
   export get=' --dry-run=client -o yaml'
   export y=' -o yaml'
   export j=' -o json'
   export jpath=' -o jsonpath'
   export ks=' -n kube-system'

Note: I strongly recommend using these effectively, but if they seem overwhelming, feel free to disregard them. They significantly aided me during the exam, which is why I’m sharing them.

9. Leverage Kubectl Imperative Commands:
Learn how to swiftly create resources using kubectl imperative commands whenever possible. This approach can save you a substantial amount of time.

10. Effective Time Management:
You have only 2 hours to complete 15 to 20 questions, so managing your time effectively is crucial. Don’t spend too much time on a single question; flag it and move on to the next one. An easier question might be waiting for you, boosting your confidence. Keep an eye on the timer, solve easier questions first, flag challenging ones, revisit, and tackle them.

11. Practice, Practice, and More Practice:
I cannot emphasize this enough; practice as extensively as possible. I can’t recall how many countless hours I spent on the CKA Mock Exam Lab series[4]. This practice was a game-changer and greatly boosted my confidence.

Remember, preparing for the CKA exam can be a journey that requires patience and dedication. Kubernetes may appear challenging initially with its multitude of new terms and concepts, but if you find joy in the learning process and maintain your commitment, it will become more manageable. Consistency and patience are the keys to success, and the reward is undoubtedly worth the effort.

If I can pass the CKA exam, I genuinely believe you can too. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance along the way. Best of luck with your CKA exam preparation, and I hope these resources and tips prove invaluable on your path to success! :rocket:

Feel free to share your progress and experiences with the community—we’re here to support each other!

Pls give me your #9 (common imperative commands) like scale pod, expose, create ingress, configMaps/Secrets, etc…

Aditya Samant:
Congratulations @Altif!

Lin Ma:

Congrats @Altif

Tej Singh Rana:
Congratulations, @Altif :partying_face: