Got my CKS < . . .

Got my CKS @Mumshad Mannambeth thanks for the amazing course :tada:

Kylash M R:
May I know your experience in K8s before getting CKS? Can a complete beginner complete both CKA and CKS in a year?

Kylash M R:
Congrats on the achievement :partying_face:

yes you can get it. follow @Mumshad Mannambeth courses and do a lot of cli practice , thatโ€™s all it takes

I added a medium blog about CKS cert๏ธ-b5a79dd03716

Lakshay Nasa:
Congrats Ebenamor :confetti_ball:

Ramkumar Nagaraj:
this seems to be member only story in medium blog, any plans in making it as pubic blog?

Mumshad Mannambeth:
Congratulations, thank you for sharing! @ebenamor