Got errors during Virtualbox Provisioning with Vagrant

Got these errors after “vagrant up”. Have no idea. Pls help!

There are errors in the configuration of this machine. Please fix
the following errors and try again:

shell provisioner:

  • path for shell provisioner does not exist on the host system: C:/Users/ben/Desktop/kubernetes_install_kubeadm/ubuntu/vagrant/
  • path for shell provisioner does not exist on the host system: C:/Users/ben/Desktop/kubernetes_install_kubeadm/ubuntu/
  • path for shell provisioner does not exist on the host system: C:/Users/ben/Desktop/kubernetes_install_kubeadm/ubuntu/

File provisioner:

  • File upload source file C:/Users/ben/Desktop/kubernetes_install_kubeadm/ubuntu/tmux.conf must exist
  • File upload source file C:/Users/ben/Desktop/kubernetes_install_kubeadm/ubuntu/vimrc must exist

This is the Vagrant file i have used:

Vagrant needs not only a Vagrantfile; it needs to run in directory that contains any resources that the Vagrantfile refers to. Assuming you’ve installed the course repo in your Desktop directory,

cd C:\Users\ben\Desktop\certified-kubernetes-administrator-course\kubeadm-clusters]virtualbox
vagrant up

If you do it this way, Vagrant will be able to find the files in question.

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Many Thanks. Exactly, i used only the Vagrantfile. that was the problem

I was also facing similar issue - while setup local k8s environment. install virtualBox and Vagrant.

I’m able to up the Master and nodes using vagrant.

but when I try to do ssh , I’m getting [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey).

Could someone help me to resolve it ?

How are you accessing the nodes via ssh? Using ssh directly (which would fail the way you’re suggesting) or be doing vagrant ssh kubemaster, as an example?

I’m using vagrant , like vagrant ssh kubemaster

@cloudteam2050 what platform are you using Vagrant on? There’s an issue I’ve heard of on Windows that presents like this; see if the following issue applies to your problem.