Got error while saving etcd snapshot, any help pls. ``` could not open /backup/ . . .

Amit Sharma:
Got error while saving etcd snapshot, any help pls.

could not open /backup/data/db.part (open /backup/data/db.part: no such file or directory)

ALGOUTI Oussama:
you must put the right path, no * in the path

Amit Sharma:
• * indicates folder name.

Amit Sharma:
Have updated the message

ALGOUTI Oussama:
can you share the line command you executed please

Amit Sharma:
export ETCDCTL_API=3; etcdctl snapshot save --cacert=“path/of/cacert/” --cert=“path/of/cert” --key=“path/of/key” --endpoints= file/path/data.db