Got this error:
- ‘script’ is not executable on App Server 1
But I was unable to view the path of the file .
I tried chmod a+x
but it was still wrong.
Got this error:
But I was unable to view the path of the file .
I tried chmod a+x
but it was still wrong.
@akinwumiomolade07 , Either you should be provided with the location in the question or it should be present in the home directory.
I tried to change directory (cd) into the location I was given but it was not changing. It still remained in the root folder.
That was the error I had and couldn’t pass the task.
How can I access these locations?
I am still unable to get how to enter the location…
Hello, @akinwumiomolade07
Please make use of the ssh
ssh username@hostname
I already provided you a link where you will see all the login credentials.
Suppose you have to login to the Nautilus App 1 server then you have to run the command as follows -
# with IP Address
ssh [email protected]
# with server/hostname
ssh tony@stapp01
after that enter the correct password.