Gitlab CI/CD error for runner

getting error for lab

This job is stuck because of one of the following problems. There are no active runners online, no runners for the protected branch, or no runners that match all of the job’s tags: docker

Did you setup any runners?

I am getting this same error for Lab 1 - exploring-pipeline-configuration-part-1.

@al1: The instructions for this lab don’t require you to setup a runner, as it should already be setup.

This issue has been brought up over two weeks ago and it’s still an issue. As someone who is trying to push my company to go towards KodeKloud for our learning purposes this is really disheartening, specially when trying to use a basic Gitlab course and their labs as a business proposition, and then they don’t work correctly and support is lacking.

@lakshay-kodekloud / Kodekloud: You need to do better when it comes to providing your user base with an easier way to submit ticket issues in each lab and an SLA for resolving those issues. We shouldn’t have to come to a forum (nor an email to support, which asks us to just come to the forum anyway) to post a bug issue in 2024.

Hi @frankxavila,

I’m sorry for the inconvenience during the learning period. I have forwarded your query to the lab team. They’ll check your reported issue.

I’ll keep you posted on this.


When can I expect this to be resolved by?

This is also a problem for me. I’ve tried to add a new shared runner, edit the current runner, etc, and the job is stuck in pending state:

This job is stuck because of one of the following problems. There are no active runners online, no runners for the protected branch, or no runners that match all of the job’s tags: docker

Go to project CI settings

That is, if the page even loads at all. Typically, when I try to make some config change from the Gitlab UI, the site can’t even be reached…|

“This site can’t be reachedCheck if there is a typo in

This is very annoying and preventing me from making any progress in the course. Please fix it!

Hi @apalexiev, were you able to resolve the gitlab runner registration issue which you have mentioned? I too am stuck with the same error message and it says I need to upgrade the gitlab runner version.