For those who have taken the CKA, what external webcam did you use for ID verification? Seems like there is a lot of problem around this. Thanks!
Alistair Mackay:
Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 (quite an old one at that).
If you can get both the ID and the camera steady, then the camera should focus. Construct something to hold the ID steady, e.g with lego and blutac.
Practice getting a clear shot of it in advance of the exam using your computer’s camera app.
Valentine Masina:
I used an external camera Logitech 920 Pro and it worked perfectly. Just ensure to run the exam test checker before you write
Thanks for the suggestions. I’m also looking into using my iPhone with the Camo app connected to my mac mini with BT. I’ll test it out and relay my experience after running the exam test checker.
I do feel a little hesitant relying on Bluetooth though. LOL.
Alistair Mackay:
One of the check in requirements of the exam is to show the proctor your phone, and then show yourself placing your phone out of reach. Thus using phone cam is unlikely a viable solution.
You can explain what you intend to do and get a definitive yes/no by raising a question at
I mean I do have a 2nd phone which I could show. LOL.
Just to follow up, Camo works perfectly.