For the "2 containers in a pod" similar to this K8S docs task, <https://kubernet . . .

For the “2 containers in a pod” similar to this K8S docs task, , how can we tell what is the ENTRYPOINT for the “sidecar” image? I think if we do not have knowledge about the sidecar image, we cannot tell. So I guess the safest way is to overwrite the image’s ENTRYPOINT with pod.container’s command + args directives and not using only pod.container’s args as this may result in sidecar container not running. Any opinions?

Alistair Mackay:
Depends what the sidecar is and what you want it to do. For the purpose of the course, you’re most likely going to create a sidecar using an image like busybox which has no entrypoint, and it’s maybe just simply going to tail some log file that’s on an emptyDir volume so the content of that file ends up in the pod logs - which is your own cmd.

In more advanced scenarios like Istio, then the sidecar will have documentation on how to configure it, usually by way of annotations or environment variables.

you can also inspect the image with crictl from a controlplane node

crictl images
crictl inspecti [IMAGE_ID]

"info": { 
    "imageSpec": {
      "architecture": "arm64",
      "os": "linux",
      "config": {
        "Cmd": [