Firewalld taks failed, error: nginx service not reachable

taks is failed with error nginx service not working on app 1 server, while its working , as I verifed before the task I click finshed, in screenshot its clear that service is working.

@Ayman @ramith @devops503 @svarma001c @Tej-Singh-Rana

Hello, bilalshakir41396
Yeah, but only for the current time. In the next boot up it will be deactivate again. So that issue not cause again you need to enable the service option.
sudo systemctl enable nginx

I used this command, So I believes this is wrong error.

But as per screenshot your service state is in disabled mode.

@bilalshakir41396 did you verify after making changes if nginx service was reachable from jump host etc ? If you missed to add correct firewall rule for same it was supposed to fail.

its was reachable

I taken complete oneday to complete this task. :stuck_out_tongue:

@bilalshakir41396 Its bit confusing. We can mark it Pending for you. Did you already have your today’s task assigned ?

Thank you, please mark it pending.

if you can share error also, that will be better.

ok you can try again it should be there now.

Thanks again, I got success.