Finding documentation about the ansible inventory variables

I am preparing for the EX294 exam. The Red Hat exams allow usage of the manual pages, but no internet documentation.

When creating an Ansible Inventory file there are loads of possible variables and it would be easy to forget one or make a typo. I know it would be possible to look at an example (e.g. /etc/ansible/hosts), yet this won’t show common variables, like ansible_ssh_private_key_file.

Where can I find the documentation about the inventory file from within controller?

What do you mean by “from within controller”?

Thank you for replying @rob_kodekloud.

During the EX294 I will most likely have access to multiple VM’s. I expect I will have to configure one of them as a controller by installing the Ansible package.

So my question would be where I can find the documentation about the inventory file on the VM with the Ansible package installed without connectivity to the internet.

I’m unfamiliar with the rules for that exam, TBH. I’d expect that you’d be allowed access to the ansible docs, which are on-line. Certainly there are better docs for other packages :frowning: But what they supply is what you’ll have to use.

Thanks for your reply. There won’t be any internet documentation.

Luckily I can retrieve all documentation for modules using ansible-doc . Maybe someone else knows where to get the offline documentation about inventory files.