Expose Service out of Cluster

Hello KK Team,

I’m stuck doing labs of [Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners - Hands-on Tutorial] course.

In the topic [Services > Demos Services] (Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on Tutorial | KodeKloud) It is possible to reach the service (webpage) from the [laptop] which is in the same network of the [node]. Or I’m missing something :see_no_evil:.

To resume I’ve a host in the network:
my desktop in the same network
The node has the network
the pods are using the network

From my desktop I can ping host and make ssh session. :white_check_mark:
From the host I can curl the app on the Cluster :white_check_mark:
From my desktop I can’t reach the app/ping the cluster IP :exclamation:

I believe it is missing something to tell my host to listen requests in the interface [] and forward it to [].

Am I missing something or misunderstand the course topic?

Thank you very much for your time! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello @raul.souza,
Try to use this command to expose your pod ```
kubectl port-forward publicport:localport