Exam 2 question 2 and 17

Question 2 is about crontab
why is
0 4 * * wed not acceptable
0 4 * * 3 is acceptable
they are both valid and supported options?

Question 17
part 1
I edited it correctly uri ldap://

but it still marks it incorrect

Hi @dark_knightuk

Can you please confirm the task about Crobtab in Question #2, is from MockExam 3?
Yes, 0 4 * * web is a valid cron expression.

As I can see from ME 3 Q2, it has a different scheduling requirement.

Apologies the title should have said exam 2 not 3

I have updated the title


The schedule “0 4 * * wed” is also correct. I’ve shared it with the team and will get back to you as soon as I receive any updates.

I’ve also confirmed that question 17 is a valid issue. I’ll get back to you later.


About question 17, please try again, it is working properly from my end now. You can see the screenshot below.

The Q2 is updated, thanks for your valuable feedback.