Etcd restore confusion

Etcd restore. All the videos or learning platforms are showing different approaches to etcd restore. I want to understand why there are multiple procedures and clear confusion. can anyone please help?

The docs for doing an etcd restore are a bit complex, so videos, courses, or labs will often either simplify procedures for it. There’s also some variation due to etcdctl’s version. Key steps are:

  1. Create or find the restore archive created by etcdctl
  2. Restore a new etcd data directory with etcdctl snapshot restore
  3. If kube-apiserver is running, you’ll typically need to shut it down.
  4. Change the settings of etcd (in a kubeadm install, you’ll edit etcd.yaml) to point to the new data directory.
  5. Restart kube-apiserver.

Learn the procedures in the two etcd labs for starters, which will help you understand some of the issues.