ETCD install guide error

i was writing kubernetes mock exam 2 and being asked "Install etcd utility on cluster2-controlplane node so that we can take/restore etcd backups. "A installed guide also have attached “Releases · etcd-io/etcd · GitHub

while following the further steps tar xzvf /tmp/etcd-${ETCD_VER}-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /tmp/etcd-download-test --strip-components=1

it gives error
cluster2-controlplane ~ ➜ tar xzvf /tmp/etcd-${ETCD_VER}-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /tmp/etcd-download-test --strip-components=1
tar: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: etcdutl: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: etcdctl: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Documentation/ Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Documentation/dev-guide/apispec/swagger/v3election.swagger.json: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Documentation/dev-guide/apispec/swagger/rpc.swagger.json: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Documentation/dev-guide/apispec/swagger/v3lock.swagger.json: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Documentation/dev-guide/apispec/swagger: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Documentation/dev-guide/apispec: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Documentation/dev-guide: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Documentation: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: etcd: Cannot change ownership to uid 528287, gid 89939: Invalid argument
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

I’m guessing this that this is for the Ultimate Mock Exams for CKA – you need to tell me that, since it’s very unclear where you’re doing this. If so, it’s this problem:

I’m not sure what you’re doing here; it should suffice to just do tar -zxf ARCHIVE, and just move etcd and etcdctl into /usr/local/bin. I’ve never used --strip-components with tar, and I’ve been using tar for longer than a lot of students here have been, well, alive.

Hi Rob,

Good day!

The problem seems to be due to the command:
curl -s

This results to this error message, hence the succeeding commands aren’t working:

{“message”:“API rate limit exceeded for (But here’s the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)”,“documentation_url”:“Getting started with the REST API - GitHub Docs”}

In addition, I’m wondering if there is an easier approach to accomplishing this question since the ETCD installation guide isn’t available during the exam and typing the github urls can be a little bit time consuming.

Appreciate it!


You won’t be asked to install etcd or etcdctl from github during the exam, since this github repo is not on the allowed docs for the exam. This question is there to make sure you understand the architecture of it, which is indirectly helpful in problem solving.

Your problem here is that apparently our labs are hitting github a bit much. The work-around is to simply check the releases page for etcd, and finding the link to the latest binaries that way. This will get around the rate limitation.

I’d guess that the rate-limiting was also transient, and that if you try the same script, you’ll find it now works.

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Hi Rob,

Thank you for checking on this.
Point taken. :slight_smile:
Good grief knowing that it’s not necessary during the exam.

And yes, getting and substituting directly the latest release version worked for me.

Appreciate your explanation!

Happy to help! Good to hear it actually worked :slight_smile: