While trying to create redis container getting below error. Any suggestion.
[root@prestovm1 ~]# docker pull redis
Trying to pull registry.redhat.io/redis:latest...Failed
Trying to pull quay.io/redis:latest...Failed
Trying to pull docker.io/redis:latest...Failed
error pulling image "redis": unable to pull redis: 3 errors occurred:
* Error determining manifest MIME type for docker://registry.redhat.io/redis:latest: unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password
* Error determining manifest MIME type for docker://quay.io/redis:latest: Error reading manifest latest in quay.io/redis: error parsing HTTP 404 response body: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value: "<!doctype html>\n<html lang=en>\n<title>404 Not Found</title>\n<h1>Not Found</h1>\n<p>The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>\n"
* Error initializing image from source docker://redis:latest: unsupported schema version 2
[root@prestovm1 ~]# podman pull docker.io/library/redis
Trying to pull docker.io/library/redis...Failed
error pulling image "docker.io/library/redis": unable to pull docker.io/library/redis: unable to pull image: Error initializing image from source docker://redis:latest: unsupported schema version 2
The podman version running on my VM is as below. Is there anything due to podman version.
[root@prestovm1 ~]# podman version
Version: 1.0.2-dev
Go Version: go1.11.5
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
I am trying below command to install podman.
[root@prestovm1 ~]# yum install podman
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Unable to read consumer identity
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:28 ago on Tue 18 Jun 2024 09:49:56 PM EDT.
Dependencies resolved.
Package Arch Version Repository Size
podman x86_64 1.0.0-2.git921f98f.module+el8+2785+ff8a053f APpstream 9.0 M
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package
Total download size: 9.0 M
Installed size: 37 M