Error during lesson 26....replicasets

Don’t know what exactly happened.
I was using Visual Studio Code for all of my coding in the lessons, but I created a new folder and file named “replicasert.yaml” and now I can’t get kubectl to work at all.

What would cause this?
How do I fix it?

I’ve googled but haven’t found anything specific.

Any help would be appreciated.

Also ensure $PATH was set to my Tutorial folder that I created for these labs:

This shows the kube.config file as well as teh kubectl version:

If you run minikube status, what do you see? Looks like minikube’s apiserver is not responding.

that seemed to do it.
I went in and re-started minikube and that has allowed my kubectl controls to work.

My question is though, why does that matter exactly?
I hadn’t done anything with Minikube since early december.

Does minikube need to be started to use kubectl? It appears as if it does.

If your current-context setting is pointing at minikube, then kubectl won’t work when minikube is down. So yes: you need it to be running for the apiserver to respond.