Eks playground note able to create nodegroup

Like I have been facing this challenge for the last couple of months and now I have come to know that this lab sucks, even EKS is listed in the Labs content but we can’t use that properly.
We use the test labs for testing, not for resolving the issue that doesn’t exist or was made by kodekloud themself. I can see that this issue is pending since last year and has not been resolved.


When creating the CloudFormation stack for the EKS cluster, what options should I use for Permissions?

I get this error when I click Submit after filling out the “Create stack” form.

Please help


Hi @jcakakpo,
Thanks for highlighting this. I am looking into it. Please provide some time.


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Thanks. In the meantime, I will try to do a kubeadm installation in AWS after deploying the infrastructure with Terraform. I am using the Terraform+AWS playground.


Still no answer, who is there from Kodekloud support to help.

User: arn:aws:iam::948401126466:user/odl_user_938224 is not authorized to perform: eks:CreateNodegroup on resource: arn:aws:eks:ap-southeast-1:948401126466:cluster/eks-cluster-dev with an explicit deny

I’m getting this error when trying to create EKS worker nodes.

@mumshadgmail @Tej-Singh-Rana
can you help assist us here.

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i am also getting the same error @Tej-Singh-Rana

@mumshadgmail @Tej-Singh-Rana please help
while creating self managed node group from cloud formation showing "user dont have permission to call ssm:getparameters and for manages node group User: arn:aws:iam::948401126466:user/odl_user_938224 is not authorized to perform: eks:CreateNodegroup on resource: arn:aws:eks:ap-southeast-1:948401126466:cluster/eks-cluster-dev with an explicit deny

please help me on this

Hi @Nayan-Jodhawat
The team work on this issue, we’ll get back ASAP


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hi @mmkmou,
how much time required ,please let me know.


Is there already a solution for this issue?

@mmkmou Is there any update on this issue? We’re almost in August and I’m still experiencing this issue. Is KodeKloud able to provide the explicit deny policy so we can figure out what limitations exist in the provided profile?

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Hi @nicgeorge6

Please try as follows

You should be able to launch EKS with “Self-managed nodes ”. As of now “Managed Node-group” and “Fargate Profile” will not work with EKS.

Also, you need to keep in mind below restrictions as well.

  1. choose one of these instance types: *.nano, *micro, *.small, *.medium of t1,t2 and t3 instance class.
  2. choose disk type as “gp2” only.
  3. Maximum disk size per node allowed is 30GB.

In order to deploy EKS; it needs to meet all above criteria."

It’s unfortunate that we can’t use the full power of IaC tools in the playground. But I was able to create a cluster with self managed nodes using terraform. Hopefully someone will find it useful. The code is here: GitHub - admiralcap/tf-eks-self-managed-nodegroup

Is it still not possible to create managed nodegroups in kodekloud playground?
I created a role but that role is not accessible to be selected from the managed nodegroup creation menu.

Hi @ganeshgk,
Our community member has written steps to create an EKS cluster. Can you please check this once?


yes, but it only has info about self managed nodes, my question was about managed node group.

Hi @ganeshgk,
Thanks for replying. I will check with the team.


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Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana

i cant create a node group yet, is the solution close?

You cannot create managed node groups.
You can follow the guide in the post above this to create a cluster using unmanaged nodes.

Or cheat and deploy it with terraform