ECS service is not working properly

Hey all,
I am facing an issue with ECS service in AWS playground. It is mention that this service is enable and is working properly in es-east-1
However, I can not access this service. Getting the following error

Console error for better debugging : 400 Bad Request
“name”: “containerInsights”,
“effectiveSettings”: true,
“maxResults”: 1
User: arn:aws:iam::533267196324:user/kk_labs_user_147398 is not authorized to perform: ecs:ListAccountSettings on resource: * because no identity-based policy allows the ecs:ListAccountSettings action

Hi @eli.simchi99,

Can you please share more details? I tried to create an ECS cluster and didn’t face this issue.

How are you trying to create an ECS cluster? Would it be possible to share the steps?


Hi, I am trying to create ECS cluster most straightforwardly.
navigating to ECS in the AWS console and then facing the issue I have mentioned.

Hi @eli.simchi99,

Please give it another try. I also followed the same steps.