February 16, 2024, 4:42am
why doing ssh sarah@ststor01 and using pwd “Sarah_pass123” gives me ‘permission denied’ ?
it says in description
Similarly you can access Gitea UI
on port 8090
and username and password for Git is sarah
and Sarah_pass123
respectively. Under user sarah
you will find a repository named web
February 16, 2024, 10:01am
Refer to the Wiki page for the correct usernames and passwords for the servers.
February 17, 2024, 10:33am
ok, but in the description of the task it says “sarah user has pwd Sarah_pass123”.
when i check the tab “details of servers” - it has pwd and user names for stapp01, stapp02 etc storage server.
storage server has username natasha and pwd Bl@kW! no pwd for sarah!
sarah user only has details described in the task description. im confused.
does it mean i have to do it all under natasha username? then what is sarah for? sarah is only to edit index.html file on storage server?
then how to customize it on jekins server? under natasha?
February 17, 2024, 2:48pm
The sarah credentials are to access Gitea not the servers.
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February 19, 2024, 4:28am
ok, thx , it seems i have done it all correct. but it gives me this error:
i do have both jobs building sequentially and the content of index.html is updated on app link after i push the change thru gitea web ui.
whats wrong? should i push changes to gitea thru natasha from storage server?
also when configuring nautilus-app job i specify remote directory on storage server ststor01 as
/var/www/html. however when i ssh login to ststor01 and push changes - i see this entire directory is created again inside /var/www/html!
in /var/www/html there is index.html and var folder that leads to www/html/index.html
should i specify remote dir on ststor01? i think i should but i’m confused