akash lunkad:
does anyone have an exported list of bookmarks that can be used for exam? If I open a link from bookmark wont it open in a new tab? I thought only tab is allowed? can we use multiple monitors one for the exam and the other for http://kubernetes.io/docs|kubernetes.io/docs?
Rahul B:
you can use multiple monitor . If you open link from bookmark , it will open it in same tab
I have a similar question, can we use our bo0kmarks in the exam?
@unnivkn thanks for your response, so basically we keep maintaining our own list of bookmarks for http://kubernetes.io|kubernetes.io and then basically use them in exam? Is the exam using a browser from my local system?
Please see the exam UI interface. You will get an idea.
To use the bookmarks, it depends on the proctor.
Note :- A few students reported that the proctor was not allowed to access the bookmarks. I don’t know in what circumstances.
Bookmarks’ names should be in a clear way instead of a long story.
Like pods –> pods, not “all details of pods are here”.
Thanks for this info. Much appreciated.
akash lunkad:
Thank you for the reply everyone. anyone wants to export their http://kubernetes.io|kubernetes.io bookmarks and share. If not I will do it when I start bookmarking.
akash lunkad:
@Tej_Singh_Rana thanks for the exam UI page, I am so much used to doing CTRL+W on my linux systems. I will end up closing the browser :D. I will have to practice that too
I have a bookmark but before using it in the official exam, please cross verify. Because k8s website maintainer changes page URLs frequently.
You can find it here as well. One of the slack members shared his gist URL.
Mohit chauhan:
use their Chrome or Chromium browser to open one additional tab in order to access assets at: https://kubernetes.io/docs/, https://github.com/kubernetes/, https://kubernetes.io/blog/ and their subdomains. This includes all available language translations of these pages (e.g. https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/home/|)
R Banerjee:
What I am trying to do , is check out all the code samples, which are mentioned in the CKA udemy course from http://kubernetes.io|kubernetes.io and maintain it separately as an Examples folder bookmark. I may divide it further, based on subject , so its easier to search during the exam… hope that helps