Documentation for Terraform

learning about terraform with KodeKloud " Terraform Basics Training Course ". I was wondering if anyone could point me to Terraform documentation where I could learn about the different resources how to configure each one them etc.

Thank you.

Resources are grouped into providers, there are lots of them:
Browse Providers | Terraform Registry

It’s going to take you a while to learn them all :wink:

Maybe select a few providers you are interested in and go from there.

Hello Team,
I wondering does terraform still can be used as open source platform? as you all are aware now terraform is part of IBM and not how this terraform freeware would support subscription plan, else we need to find other alternative to terraform opentofu, any thoughts on this? as i’m trying to build gcp foundational model using terraform open source.


I would still continue with Terraform. If the company you are working with have issues with the licensing you can always switch to OpenTofu.