Docker vs. containerd

A while ago Kubernetes announced that it was deprecating Docker. "Deprecated" is basically a tech word for "This will soon expire."; "Don't use this anymore, it will soon be removed." So how will Kubernetes run containers without Docker? With containerd, of course! Yes, Docker was replaced with something else, called containerd. Or at least, that's the sort of default migration path, from Docker to containerd. Kubernetes cluster administrators can choose something else if they want, such as CRI-O. But wait, why remove Docker and replace it with this? We already know that Docker can do anything we dream of, with containers. Why is another tool necessary? Is it better? What is the difference between Docker and containerd? Let's clear this up! Time for a short history lesson.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

New Modular Docker

Everybody started to use containers. So Docker became more, and more complex. When you have a complex system, breaking it up into smaller pieces can simplify things. For example, let’s think about about a command like this:

typing mistake