Docker version check - Jenkins

I have followed the course to install plugins into my jenkins instance using

Thereafter, I’ve configured a pipeline script as such:

pipeline {
agent any

stages {
    stage('git version') {
        steps {
            sh "git version"
    stage('maven version') {
        steps {
            sh "mvn -v"
    stage('docker version') {
        steps {
            sh "docker -v"
    stage('kubernetes version') {
        steps {
            sh "kubectl version --short"


I am not able to get docker to run in the jenkins pipeline with error log message as follows:

/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/checking-versions@tmp/durable-703a22ed/ 1: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/checking-versions@tmp/durable-703a22ed/ docker: not found

If you want to use Docker on your runner then you will have to install it. The plugin handles interactions with Docker, not installing Docker itself.