Docker - SWARM | SERVICES | STACKS - Hands-on Labs: Docker Service

This is related to step 3/4 Labs: Docker Service of Docker - SWARM | SERVICES | STACKS - Hands-on course.

I’m getting permission denied when creating the service with 3 replicas:
overall progress: 0 out of 3 tasks
1/3: failed to create new osl sandbox: permission denied
2/3: failed to create new osl sandbox: permission denied
3/3: failed to create new osl sandbox: permission denied

Please find the following screenshots showing the problem:

Screenshot showing the creation of the docker service and outcome

Screenshot of the instructions of the task:

Screenshot of docker service ps 81

Screenshot of docker service ls

I also tried running with sudo but realised I’m already logged in as root so didn’t make any difference.

Screenshot of docker node ls

Looking forward to hearing from you.

I’m not sure what the whole “OSL sandbox” thing is about, but I’ve tried the lab myself, and I see this too. I’ve reported this to our lab team; hopefully they can tell us what’s up with the lab.

Thanks Rob for involving the lab team.

Hi Rob,
I had another look at this and found some information that might (or not) help the lab team. The Docker network used here is called ingress which is the overlay driver.

I’ve attached a couple of screenshots that might be relevant.


Hi Rob,
Any news from the lab team please?

Nothing to update; it’s in the queue, waiting for action.

Hi Rob,
Please check with the lab team for any further updates.

Please try it again; I got an update over my night, about 8 hours ago; it should be working now…

Thanks Rob. I can confirm that it is now working.
Thanks for your help.