I am doing the Docker for beginner course form coursera and not able to access the Lab, can anyone please help me with the right link?
I am doing the Docker for beginner course form coursera and not able to access the Lab, can anyone please help me with the right link?
That is the right link. It works for me. I am unable to check but I think you might still need to signup and login to to access the free content.
Thanks for the quick reply, @al1 ; I do have a Kodekloud community account, but will check with KodeKloud account.
Are you logged in? I just tried the lab (I’m logged in) and it’s working for me. If it isn’t for you: what are you seeing when you try to get in?
I think what is broken is trying to access the lab from an external learning site (in my case I was using Coursera). If I try to access the lab from the " Docker Training Course for the Absolute Beginner" on KodeKloud, it works just fine.