Docker-compose lab quiz 5

Hi All,

While taking quiz for Docker compose on question no. 5, I failed.

Here’s my docker-compose.yml file when I’m trying to add a link between wordpress web app with postgres db.

$ cat docker-compose.yml
version: “2.2”

image: postgres
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword
image: wordpress
- 8085:80
- db

On executing “docker-compose up”
:ballot_box_with_check: Sytax Check for the docker-compose.yml
:ballot_box_with_check: Wordpress running on the correct host port?
:x: Wordpress linked to db container ?
:ballot_box_with_check: db container running with env variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD?

But when I modified my docker-compose.yml as below :
$ cat docker-compose.yml
version: “2.2”

image: postgres
container_name: db
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword
image: wordpress
container_name: wordpress
- 8085:80
- db


:ballot_box_with_check: Sytax Check for the docker-compose.yml
:x: Wordpress running on the correct host port?
:x: Wordpress linked to db container ?
:x: db container running with env variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD?

There are spaces added inside my yml file, here the spaces are missing please ignore for the syntax.

Where did I go wrong please suggest.

Thank you!

Hi @Jethan

Kindly check the correct code below and try again:

     POSTGRES_PASSWORD: mysecretpassword
   image: postgres
   image: wordpress
   - db
   - 8085:80
version: '3.0'

Also, check my try below:

Sometimes the correct answer is located under path /var/answers/ as you can find the above answer inside it.

We do sorry for any inconvenience.

I hope this helps!

Thank you! :+1: :+1: :+1:

1 Like

I’m getting the same error as the first one above… tried your text verbatim and still getting a x where it says “wordpress linked to db container”… I have exactly your text above as in the solution.

You have to use links instead of depends_on.


Even when running the answer file / example, it does not seem to be creating the link to the db container. I do not see the entry for the db container, when printing the contents of /etc/hosts on the wordpress container.

@Ayman @kodekloud-support3

Kindly check this twice. I can confirm that there is an issue with this lab.

After many tries, I copied the file in /var/answer… to docker-compose.yml and tested with the same result.

Thank you

@Ayman @kodekloud-support3 I have the same issue. I even pasted exactly the same yaml file and it still says it was not connected.

Hi All,
I have managed to resolve the issue. The lab check is incorrectly built. Even after I was being able to connect to the postgres db from the wordpress site, the question check boxes were still showing that the link with the db was not established.

So, first things first. It might be very frustrating to know that postgres is not a supported db for wordpress. However, there are workarounds to configure the wordpress application to connect to the postgres db. I spent not hours but quite a few days to figure the whole solution out.

The following areas need your attention:

1) Wordpress:

A) The wordpress image (wordpress:latest) is being used in this case. While the wordpress container is running, the entire wordpress content is located under /var/www/html/ within the container.

B) The wp-config.php file under /var/www/html is the configuration file which will need to be modified with the “name of the db (DB_NAME)”, “password for the db (DB_PASSWORD)”, “user of the db (DB_USER)” and “db hostname or IP address along with port details (DB_HOST)”.
For example, I used: DB_NAME=postgres, DB_PASSWORD=postgres, DB_USER=postgres. All of these are default postgres db elements. If you want to change them then you will have to go into the postgres db container and create a new database and specific users and generate passwords for it. Then you will have to come back to the wp-config.php file to update that. The DB_HOST=<the ip address found within the db container after using “cat /etc/hosts” followed by :5432>. So it looks like DB_HOST=:

C) Wordpress is developed in python. However, there was no driver developed for Wordpress to connect to the db. There is a wordaround to this though. There is a special plugin enabling Wordpress to be used with a PostgreSQL database has been developed by kevinoid. This can be found in the below link:



A temporary fork of PostgreSQL for WordPress (PG4WP) – WordPress plugin | with changes from kevinoid. - kevinoid/postgresql-for-wordpress

The above github link will need to be cloned into the running Wordpress container under folder /var/www/html/wp-content. The folder “PG4WP” under “postgresql-for-wordpress” directory will need to be copied directly under /var/www/html/wp-content/. The file “db.php” under “PG4WP”
will also need to be copied under /var/www/html/wp-content.

D) Additionally, there are some python libraries or extensions for PostgreSQL which will also need to be downloaded and installed within the Wordpress container. These are as follows:


2) PostgreSQL DB:

PostgreSQL container will be deployed as usual with the password environment variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres with the help of docker-compose command.

3) Finally, a WordPress image will need to be created with the additional details above and then docker-compose will be used to deploy it.

A) I am adding my Dockerfile details which I used to create the new Wordpress image which was then used to deploy the Wordpress container.


FROM wordpress:latest
# Updating container, installing git, installing vim (editor), installing libpq-dev, pdo, pdo_pgsql, pgsql extentions. (This line can be removed)
RUN apt-get update
&& apt-get install git -y
&& apt-get install vim -y
&& apt-get install libpq-dev -y
&& docker-php-ext-configure pgsql -with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql
&& docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_pgsql pgsql
# Creating a directory under /home called wp and git cloning kevinoid’s wordpress plugin for postgress. (This line can be removed)
RUN mkdir /home/wp
&& cd /home/wp
&& git clone GitHub - kevinoid/postgresql-for-wordpress: A temporary fork of with changes from kevinoid. \


B) The docker image will be built with the following command run from the same directory where the Dockerfile is located:

docker build . -t wordpress:new

C) After the image is created the following docker-compose will need to be deployed to run the containers. The following is my docker-compose.yml file.


version: “3.3”
image: postgres
container_name: db

  • app-network
  • 5432:5432
    image: wordpress:new
    container_name: wordpress
  • app-network
  • 8085:80
  • db
    driver: bridge

D) Once both postgres db and wordpress containers are up and running then use the following commands to log on to the wordpress container.

docker ps #To note the container ids.

docker exec -it (wordpress container id) bash

cp postgresql-for-wordpress/pg4wp /var/www/html/wp-content/pg4wp -r #copy pg4wp to wp-content folder.

cp /var/www/html/wp-content/pg4wp/db.php /var/www/html/wp-content/db.php #copy pg4wp/db.php to wp-content folder. I tried to copy this while building the image but then I realised that when I run the container with docker-compose.yml the wp-content folder is overwritten by apache2 with a new set of wordpress files. I am not sure why. So, I thought of doing this after the container was running.

vi /var/www/html/wp-config.php # Here edit the DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD & DB_NAME with the following values:


DB_HOST= (as discussed earlier this will need to be obtained by connecting to db running container the same way wordpress is connected. E.g. docker exec -it (db container id) bash. Then by running command : cat /etc/hosts.). This will be followed by port number 5432.

Save the file and exit out of the wordpress container.

Once done, you will be able to access the wordpress site and it will be able to connect to the database.

This however, will still not allow the KodeKloud quiz to check the connectivity of the db from wordpress container and acknowledge that.

Hope this helps. Thanks for reading.

PS: This post does not maintain the indent of the Dockerfile or the docker-compose.yml. This will need to be checked seperately.

Hi All,

Kindly check the full solution below:


Thanks for sharing @joychatlab