Docker Certified Associate Guide blog link to Try the Docker Compose Labs for free

This is related to the blog on The Ultimate Docker Certification (DCA) Guide for 2024 where there is a link to the Try the Docker Compose Labs for free.

The issue appears with task 5/5 where both syntax check for the docker-compose.yml and clickcounter running on the correct HostPort? claims as wrong even though they are correct.

Please find the following screenshots attached:

The task and the errors:

The docker-compose.yml file:

Screenshot showing docker-compose up -d, docker ps, docker-compose ps and docker-compose logs -f:

Accessing the Click-Counter link:

The url of the Try the Docker Compose Labs for free:


Sorry for bothering you. It is working; I missed one part of the instructions as the docker-compose.yml file was created under /root and not /root/clickcounter.