Do you guys take notes when learning?

I feel like I’m wasting a lot of time on notes that I will probably won’t revise later.

Do you guys take notes? If so, how?

I did Markdown notes, which let me cross link my notes to places in the docs, what I learned doing labs, and parts of the lectures where I had questions or found difficult. I think it’s a good idea, since active learning is better than passive learning (say, just reviewing some notes prepared by someone else).

Im doing notes in the easiest way - in Notepad ++. I think it is great bacuse you can choose coding language - so you have stylization. I have file for Linux, YAML, K8s, Docker, Git. I made a preliminary note as I was going through the courses, if something what I do not know I just add notes to the relevant section in relevant file.

Yes, the traditional approach writing down whatever looks important.