Do we need install k8s from scratch in the developer exam? I understand multiple . . .

Chandru M:
Do we need install k8s from scratch in the developer exam? I understand multiple nodes will be provided for the exam. Will it come with necessary softwares installed like Docker Kubeadm and Kubelet?

Andrei Barbu:
Hello! No, you won’t need to install anything. Everything is already installed.

Mayur Sharma:
I believe you would be asked to switch the context (and namespaces) but not the nodes.

> Will it come with necessary softwares installed like Docker Kubeadm and Kubelet?
Yeah, it is already installed. You have to just perform tasks.
> Do we need install k8s from scratch in the developer exam?
No, it’s a part of the CKA exam.

Ron Ballesteros:
To add, you should know how to update the kubernetes version as it will be part of the exam.