Do anyone have any details insights how to connect AKS to Azure databricks

I am looking for help to understand how to connect AKS with Azure Databricks on private setup.

You would create one VNet for Databricks and another VNet for AKS and then use a NSG and routing table to connect the two VNets.

Actually I have AKS in 1 VNET and Databricks in another VNET.

In Databricks we usually have two subnets 1 private and 1 public and those subnets have route attached which has next hop as internet.

So, I want to understand how the traffic will flow from Databricks and reach to AKS VNET if we are NOT doing direct peering.

Also, how the AKS will accept the request from Databricks like where does this accepts the traffic.

I would appreciate if you can help me understand the flow.

Just an FYI, we are using hub and spoke topology.

So you have VNet peering to connect your spoke to the Hub (another VNet) and then routing tables to route the traffic to the correct spoke (another VNet).