Difference between CKA vs CKAD, specifically, what's not included in CKAD

Hello friends,

Recently thanks to the CKA course in Kodecloud, I was able to crack CKA exam and got 80%. Next step, I want to give the CKAD exam. From what I can see the curriculum for CKAD looks like a lite version of CKA.

What I can’t seem to find is, are there any specific sections which are part of CKAD and not in CKA. This way, I can focus my efforts in that direction.

Kindly let me know.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Hi @sulakhe.akshay

Simply compare the Domains and Competencies of the two

About 50% of the material is the same (pods, deployments, services, that sort of stuff)

CKA has cluster admin/troubleshooting etc.

CKAD more focused on app side - probes, deployment strategy, helm, custom resources.