Difference between / and HOME


I am trying to find the path to the kube-apiserver.yaml file
So first step , I need to locate the /etc directory.

So I went to $HOME or /root, but I could not find it here

But if I: cd / , I find it
I am a bit confused , what is the difference between /root and / ?

Hi @stephane.hordoir,

By default, the static pod manifest will be located in /etc/kubernetes/manifests.
If you want to navigate back to the home directory, use cd without arguments.
To know where you are in the directory, use pwd
/ directory called as Root Directory sits on the top of the file system hierarchy.
/root is the Home directory for User named Root.
Detail explain can be found here: centos - Linux / Folder and /root folder - Super User

Happy learning,

@trung-kodekloud thanks for your reply !

You’re welcome, happy learning.

by the way, it means that /etc/kubernetes/manifests sits on the etc directory just under the Root Directory ?

Yes, it is.
