Sent the following question, still no reply. Can someone pls respond as waiting to continue on.
For : For the following question: Using the mykey SSH key-pair you created in previous question configure password less SSH connection between jump
host and app01 for user thor. (thor user should already be there on both servers).
I did the following:
ssh-copy-id -I ~ssh/ thor@app01
ssh ‘thor@app01’
want to continue - yes
then asks for password?
Have I done the steps above correctly? If not pls provide exact commands
is there a password? if so what???
Hope to hear soon as waiting before can continue. thank you
Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana@Ayman
key sucessfully copied, but verify shh access test is getting failed,
Also please can anyone tell me why we are able to ssh to app01 from jump_host but not vice versa ?
Don’t do anything with sudo from question no 8 till question 9 while creating the rsa key pair. Everything will work fine.