DevOps Pre-Requisite Course - Json Path Lab Session difficulty

hi, I just started with DevOps Pre-Requisite Course, Json Path Lab. I don’t seem to understand the task in this lab practice. Can someone please help? Thank you.

Which task do you not understand?

I don’t seem to understand the requirement of the lab session. I can’t get to solve the tasks.

First you must understand what is JSON and how it is represented. This should be covered by the videos up to this point. JSONPath is about getting selected segments out of a whole load of JSON (could be megabytes of it).

Ok, let’s look at question 2

Develop a JSON PATH query to extract the kind of object. A file named q2.json is provided in the terminal. Your task is to develop a JSON path query to extract the expected output from the Source Data.

Expected output should be like this

        "color": "white",
        "price": "$120,000"
  1. Look at the source data

    cat q2.json


        "car": {
            "color": "blue",
            "price": "$20,000"
        "bus": {
            "color": "white",
            "price": "$120,000"
  2. Notice from the above, the part of all of that file we need, which is the properties of bus, so this will yield that result

    cat q2.json | jpath $.bus


        "color": "white",
        "price": "$120,000"

    which is what is requested.

  3. Create the answer file as requested

    vi /root/

    Enter the command into the editor
    cat q2.json | jpath $.bus
    Save the file

If you wanted the price of the bus, it would be
cat q2.json | jpath $.bus.price
or the color of the car
cat q2.json | jpath $.car.color
or all the car’s details (instead of the bus)
cat q2.json | jpath $.car

If you get stuck with vi editor, read this.

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Thank you so much @Alistair_KodeKloud. This was very helpful.

Thank you @Alistair_KodeKloud. I also first don’t understand what is the question and answer.
After reading your explanation it make sense.

Thanks again @Alistair_KodeKloud

You can also play with JSONPath using this helpful tool.

vi /root/

this does show other data please correct the lab

How did you get that in The answer files should not contain a JSON document. They need to be a shell command of the form

cat q3.json | jpath $.<your answer>

How does the grader test your answer?

It will run the following


and it will expect what is printed to match what is in the “expected output” box.

cat q2.json | jpath $.car.color $.bus.color

Which question number are you doing?