Dev Ops jobs that require no work experience to get into a tech company

Are there any jobs in Dev Ops Engineering that does not require any work experience such as an entry or Junior level position?

And by completing this course

Does this give me all the knowledge I need to get into an entry-level job

Without real world experience you will struggle to find an entry level DevOps role. Most people applying for DevOps roles will have previous Development or SysAdmin experience. However, you can use KodeKloud Engineer to gain experience:
KodeKloud Engineer | Real Project Tasks on Real Systems


Thank you for your help. On that point that you mentioned about needing development to get into Dev Ops

Does getting a role in development on an entry-level require work experience and what specifically is the name of the job role in development?

DevOps is short for Development and Operations. I said Development or SysAdmin experience. A common path is HelpDesk → SysAdmin → DevOps.


do we need to learn full devops to get into sysadmin or helpdesk… can you please ellobrate so that i can prepare accordingly… i will be really greatful if you can help me out.

Helpdesk is where people phone in for Tech Support - you don’t need any DevOps experience for this but it is usually a leader into SysAdmin work.

Then with some SysAdmin experience and DevOps learning you will be ready for an entry level DevOps position.

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