Deployments lab last question failure

The solution I used is shown in below image:

but still, it is not accepting the answer.

Can anyone explain, did I do question wrong or is this the bug in lab?

It is not accepting the answer:

Which lab and in which course is this? A link would be very welcome, so I can try this myself.

I’m going to assume you are doing CKAD, and I’m trying that lab. It works for me in step 11/11:

controlplane ~ ➜  k create deploy httpd-frontend --image httpd:2.4-alpine -r 3 --dry-run=client -o yaml > deploy-it.yaml

controlplane ~ ➜  k apply -f deploy-it.yaml 
deployment.apps/httpd-frontend created

controlplane ~ ➜  k get deploy httpd-frontend
httpd-frontend   3/3     3            3           5m21s

controlplane ~ ➜  

For me, this worked:

I’m not sure what’s going on by you, since your command to create the YAML file looks very similar. Are you doing the CKAD version of this lab, or some other version?

Ah, I see the problem: look at your create deployment invocation:

You’re creating a deployment called http-frontend, which is incorrect: it needs to be httpd-frontend. So the grader is getting annoyed it is not finding the deployment it expects.