please share procedure to delete EKS cluster
Procedure to Deleting an Amazon EKS cluster
- Delete stage variable created by stage job
- move the existing namespaces from global and regional cluster to ew cluster , for that
- remove vpc links with commad ‘aws apigateway get-vpc-links | jq -r ‘.items[] | select(.name | contains | .id’ | xargs -n1 -I{} aws apigateway delete-vpc-link --vpc-link-id {}’
- stop the code pipline for that environment
- uninstall helm
- helm istall upgrade in ew cluster
- delete the service
- delete load balancer
- daemon set configured while creting cluster will deleted along with deletion
- delete cluster using eksctl delete cluster --name OR aws eks delete-cluster --name
- kubectl delete svc service-name , along with services that have an associated EXTERNAL-IP value
- kubectl get svc --all-namespaces and kubectl get --all
- check the services in aws console , for EKS , VPC , LB