Mohamad Alhussein:
Dears, in lab “231. Practice Test - Ingress - 2”, after creating the ingress in the last step and also adding both annotations, /wear and /watch does not work, although the yaml is the same as in the solution and step8 is passed successfully. Does the annotation "| “false”" still working or is it deprecated?
What is the output of nginx-controller-pod?
Mohamad Alhussein:
Hi @mjv the ingress controller pod is working
Ok,what its logs show?
And,how do you test the connection to the ingress-test in app-space
Mohamad Alhussein:
i am testing through the UI by clicking in “Ingress” tab
Mohamad Alhussein:
when i try to open the ingress with /wear or /watch, i get “too redirects” in the browser as in the below
What is the output of:
kubectl get svc -A
kubectl -n ingress-space get pod -o jsonpath-as-json='{.spec.containers[].args}'
kubectl -n app-space describe ing ingress-test
kubectl -n app-space annotate --list --all ing ingress-test
Mohamad Alhussein:
Actually the lab time finished and the session closed. I will try it again and share with you the output of the above command.
So you need to be sure those are added.
Mohamad Alhussein:
at the beginning i added only the first one, then after i created the ingress, i edited it added the “ssl-redirect”. May be we need to delete it and then recreate it after that ?
You can try for sure.
Hi @Mohamad Alhussein did you get a chance to refer the solution tab?
Mohamad Alhussein:
i guys, i went through the lab again and this time it worked with no other changes, dunno what was the issue, thanks a lot for your prompt help, appreciated