Daily task limit

Hey everyone, I just want to know is there any daily limit for doing tasks in the kodekloud engineer as a kodekloud pro user??

I don’t think there is a limit for Pro users in KodeKloud Engineer.

Then why Start button is not showing here .

Hi @Biplab-Bera,

Please select the second topic from the curriculum page.


Hello @Tej-Singh-Rana , yes I’ve second topic as github . In github its showing the start button but why not in the linux?

That indicates the task is pending! Either you Successfully complete or Fail in that task , and then you will get the start button for the other tasks !

Okay, does that mean after completing the GitHub task, I’ll get back my start button for the Linux topic? @Tej-Singh-Rana

Yes, your understanding is correct. :+1:

It worked thanks :slight_smile: @Tej-Singh-Rana