Crossplane playground not working?

Does the crossplane playground work for anyone else? looks like an older version of Crossplane is installed and the aws provider is not working.
I’m getting a 404 error pulling the provider from the crossplane website so of course, no managed resources can be applied because the provider isn’t installed and the CRD’s for those managed resources are not recognized. i can’t install crossplane or update it for the same reason.

my guess is the sandbox is blocking URL’s for the providers. but that’s just a guess. I really liike Kodekcloud and ponied up for a pro subscription for the sandbox usage mainly, and i would like to proof some compositions out using these playgrounds. If i have to( and it’s possible) i am willing to just use the k8s playground, install crossplane using helm and hook it to my own AWS account. but then again, i’ll lose the advantage of a playground.

anyways, is anyone else experiencing this, and how did you get around it and got it working? Thanks for the help!

I’m not familiar with Crossplane TBH, so could you please describe what you did that caused “404 error pulling the provider from the crossplane website”. I get the terminal for the lab; what do you do that actually fails?

Thanks for responding. i have spun up a new lab and working on solving this now. but the issue basically is when i apply the managed resource manifests in the EC2 directory, i get “install CRD’s first” message from crossplane.
after some digging, the provider is there but it’s in a bad state( healthy is false) and the URL the provider is pulling from is getting a 404 error.

i respun up a new playground and it looks like CP is on 1.16 which is current, so that appears to be okay after all. it’s just the provider that’s out of date, i’ll try updating and see what happens.

anyways, given all this, i have a path to follow to try and get this all updated and working. i’ll post back here with any results in case others run into the same issues. at the very least, i’m gettting troubleshooting experience :slight_smile:

okay, so to get around the initial error, i had to update this crossplane-aws-provider that was installed but after doing that, the managed resources are not being created because the secret for the AWS account is missing. I’ll continue messing with this and see if i can get it working.