CourseEra Test keep failing even when provided with correct answer

Hello Guys,
I am currently taking the docker intro course by the teacher ('Mumshad Mannambeth’) through CourseEra. I am in module 3 and was doing the last assignment. unfortunately even after writing the correct answers to two of the questions , I keep getting the same error message that the answer is wrong and therefore I cannot move with the further modules. is there a way to fix this?

I have attached a snapshot for the error message as well. I have already tried with other commands like docker logs containerid , docker logs containername. unfortunately nothing works.

Best Regards ,

Hi @js14 ,

Thanks for highlighting this. I’ve raised this with the team.


Hey @js14

Thank you for highlighting the same.
We have updated the question to be a multiple-choice question to remove confusion, as earlier we didn’t mention the container name.
The correct answer earlier was just ‘docker logs’.

Hey guys,
Thanks for the quick reply. I still haven’t seen any changes made in the CourseEra test, i.e. no multiple choice question options were available. However I did get over the exam by simply providing the answer Shafaq has given.